S J Seymour

Everyone is unique, but we are all infinitely more alike than we are different.

My site is meant to introduce you to my novels,
my opinions, and some investment advice. Soon I may write about genetic genealogy.



S.J. SEYMOUR                                                                              
See More Publishing LLC
P.O Box 6494
Lawrenceville, NJ 08648-0494
Toll-free: 1-609-375-5850

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE                                                                                                 11/9/2013

An enduring love story of friendship, truth and courage

 A Suspenseful Romantic Mystery Just Released



 Archie and Elaina’s spouses both died of mysterious ailments, and they lose peaceful secure futures they hoped and expected to enjoy. And while their relationship develops and they realize they’re concurrently investigating why their spouses died, Archie's peaceful existence is disturbed with random acts of escalating aggression. Will he have time to find the true source of aggression before the stalker is successful?
Just as a wild cougar stealthily watches unsuspecting prey and waits for the perfect moment to pounce,

So too a diligent gardener watches a seed grow and blossom into a flowering plant,

A daring owner expects an investment will soar in value,

And a patient listener searches for a waterfall of revealing information

.......THE WEATHER IN New Jersey in late spring deepened in a succession of heat waves. Lawns grew lush and green, rosebushes bloomed, and flowering trees flowed thick with pollen. Peonies and wisteria boldly sprang to life for their fleeting moments of glory in the sunshine. Fragrant honeysuckle spiraled wherever it could, weeds shot out of control, and the heavens occasionally opened in sudden cloudbursts. Many evenings the sun sank from the heavens in a blazing sphere of gold. Amidst this generous outpouring of nature, Elaina drove to Alison and Nick’s house for week’s rest to make up her mind about moving to New Jersey. 
........THE POLICE FORCE investigation widened in New Jersey, but so far had failed to solve the mystery of Archie’s troubles. Archie guessed his home invasions had to do with his quest to expose Finer Spirits and take revenge for the death of Junie, for Grandon’s death, and for the deaths of countless untold others. After receiving the package at his office, he felt even more beleaguered and mystified, and wondered whether the sender was the same as the person who’d entered Lindenwood or if there could be, God forbid, another unknown opponent.
Call TODAY toll-free or please write for Copies and further Sales information.
FINER SPIRITS by S.J. Seymour, published by See More Publishing LLC
Printed and Available at Amazon.com.
Find out more about FINER SPIRITS and S.J. Seymour at www.sjseymour.com

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