S J Seymour

Everyone is unique, but we are all infinitely more alike than we are different.

My site is meant to introduce you to my novels,
my opinions, and some investment advice. Soon I may write about genetic genealogy.


How will America change?

President Obama’s optimistic speech last night wasn't replete with the smugness we have come to expect from Presidents. He described a litany of problems the country is having and then outlined how he will be focusing on three major areas: energy, healthcare and education.

1. Energy: Infrastructure improvements will need to be made. Meanwhile, Republicans are worrying about how nuclear energy is going to be handled by the new administration.

2. Healthcare: Full reform of healthcare spending needs to be achieved. Pharmaceutical companies are looking at the government's healthcare initiatives and how that involvement could impact their businesses.

3. Education: clearly needs improvement. By the way, NPR is doing a great job of highlighting the differences in public educational facilities that has long been an issue in this country. I am convinced the problem is not usually with teachers, but with curriculum and facilities.

These are three key areas that will be the focus of business interest and government spending in new and innovative products and services. He also talked about housing and small business taxes. Since the President is looked on almost as a deity in this country, everyone has to pay attention.

Banking was highlighted as an area that needs reform, and even bankers should agree they are our servants, or else they're in the wrong profession. Banks might be boring, but the investing that is at their heart is wildly exciting.

Here is an article in Bloomberg News about Canada's banks to help explain why Canada isn't having the same problems as the U.S.